Precise Genomic Testing

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PreciseSM is a female genomic testing service, available for use on Holstein, Jersey or Brown Swiss cattle (must be 82.5% or 3 generations of the breed). The Precise tool uses the low density genomic chip and provides producers with the ability to reliably select which females to breed to what kind of semen - sexed, conventional, beef or dairy.

Genomic test results, paired with CRI's valued-added programs like Calf MathSM and G-MAPSM, give producers the opportunity to maximize long-term profitability. Prejudice is removed from the process as Precise provides unbiased, reliable data.

Through Calf MathSM, CRI can help producers use genomic results to determine the most profitable breeding options - examining use of conventional semen, GenChoice™ sexed semen or even beef semen. With this, producers can minimize the impact of less profitable animals and improve both cash flow and farm profits.

With G-MAPSM, producers can avoid inbreeding and use genomic breeding values to make mating choices. Aside from discovering animals with both high and low genetic merit, producers can get the most out of a mating program by further using DNA information.

For more information on Precise Genomic Testing, contact your GENEX Representative.