A Strategic Breeding Decision-Making Tool
Sort-Gate provides producers with the information needed on dairy cows and heifers to make strategic breeding decisions. Sort-Gate helps producers sort dairy females and ultimately define which females are appropriate for different breeding strategies (GenChoice™ sexed semen, beef semen, conventional semen).
This new service is customizable, enabling dairy producers to determine which genetic values to use when sorting females - the Ideal Commercial Cow (ICC$) index, Lifetime Net Merit (LNM$) or a custom index. Sort-Gate incorporates pedigree information and genomic data, and in the future, the opportunity to add on-farm performance records!
If interested in learning more about Sort-Gate, contact your GENEX representative or email ivandenberg@crinet.com
- CONSIDER YOUR DAIRY'S GOALS for the future and the number of replacement calves needed to meet those goals.
- USE CALF MATH™ to compare potential breeding strategy outcomes and determine the most effective combination of semen products.
- USE SORT-GATE™ to sort cows and heifers and define which females are appropriate for each semen product.
- DEVELOP PROTOCOLS for mating and breeding to get the preferred semen product into the designated cows and heifers.